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Bukowski’s Bluebird July 3, 2008

Posted by The Typist in Toulouse Street.
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This is my answer to the poetry challenge posted by Be Not Inhospitable to Strangers to write something in response to Charles Bukowski’s Bluebird. (Cross posted from Poems Before Breakfast)

The poem removed pending publication in The Deal Mule School of Southern Literature.


1. serentripity - July 4, 2008

Nice work!

I’m also a huge Bukowski fan.

In the spirit of sharing, I thought I’d send you two of my posts.

This one is about my relationship to Bukowski when I was an English major:

Charles Bukowski: Love Him or Hate Him

This one is just something I like:

The Bottom


2. Scot - July 4, 2008

great work–don’t be a stranger


3. paisley - July 9, 2008

this is how i found you.. on scot’s site…

this poem makes me think about those of us that are so needy so eager,, that we do in fact swallow before the fullness of the flavor can ever be savored…

this was a prize….


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