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Recovery, Courage, Leadership and Nausea August 14, 2008

Posted by The Typist in New Orleans, NOLA, Toulouse Street, We Are Not OK.
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As fond as we are of the Odd, there are moments when it seems Toulouse Street has slipped into the Twlight Zone, and hot in a happy way. It is like the fellow who wakes up after the apocalypse free to read every book in the NYC Library, only to drop and break his classes.

Receiving a link to this in an email was one of those moments.

The Award of Distinction for Recovery, Courage and Leadership to C. Ray Nagin? W. T. F.

I think we need to find out 1) who is behind this bizarre event and 2) let them know we’re taking this circulated email to be an invitation. I hope they have a big room, because we are all coming looking for some explanation of this insanity.

This event should no more take place than the ill advised 8-29 party the Mayor once proposed for 2006. What sort of people are sponsoring this? No one outside of the mayor’s own staff or family could possibly take this seriously.

Update: Read this, in particular the part about the hit-and-run victim. At what point do we declare we live in a failed state and either begin to organize militias for our own protection, or request the protection of the international community?

A hit and run driver, who left a Bywater resident and business owner bleeding in the street with protruding broken bones, telling the victim, “I never hit you”, can only be ticketed for a misdemeanor, and then only if witnesses come along for the arrest to identify him to his face. The Ticketed driver would not be arrested, nor the witness protected.

The police asked a witness, a single women who lives near by, to accompany them to the front porch, where almost a dozen young men were gathered, and stand there pointing out the one who drove the vehicle so cold bloodedly over her friend, while his friends watched her make the identification. The cops said they would issue a traffic citation upon her identification, but make no arrest.

She must pass this house on an almost daily basis.

Another, happier Update: At least now I am laughing: How long can the Excellence in Recovery Host Committee hold a bong hit before laughing hysterically? Thanks, Schroeder.


1. alli - August 14, 2008

maybe we move the rising tide party to the ritz penthouse, and we all bring drums and flags.


2. Loki - August 14, 2008

Perhaps making the Ritz aware that there will be a protest over this and that the media will be informed. I’m in, how about y’all?


3. alli - August 14, 2008

It is the exact same time as the RT3 party – that’s my only concern. If we mobilize everyone involved with RT3 and move them to the Ritz, I’m in. and we should definitely tell the media. Lee Zurik’s our buddy now, ain’t he?


4. Schroeder - August 14, 2008

The Ritz is just on the other side of the French Quarter from Buffa’s. We could all get good and sloppy liquored up, head on down to the Ritz, and get arrested. Maybe we could present an alternate award — call it, say, “The Miss Dolores Recovery Award.” You know, kind of make it look like a complement, until people start asking questions.


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